Design and facilitation of a design charrette.

Repair on the move prompt
The annual Architecture Design Charrette is an Abedian School of Architecture calendar highlight. This event involves first-year students joining a team with second-year and master’s students to work on a design-orientated task under the guidance of a guest architect. With the help of industry experts and academics, they work to tackle a real-life architecture design task. Tristan maintains an ongoing relationshiop with Abedian School of Architecture, Bond University and was invited to design and facilitate this years event.
Opportunity for Futures
Engaging productive industries such as architecture with concepts of repair and reuse helps students consider alternative futures for their practice.
Tristan used extensive work Relative Creative has done around cultures of repair to design and facilitate the event. Students were guided through a range of activities from yarning circles, to mapping activities and return briefs to support their design and development of conceptual responses to one of six different ‘repair on the move’ narratives.
Tristan concluded the event with a public lecture.

Tristan facilitates a yarning circle at the start of the event.