Brand, identity and concept design for outdoor adventures.



Bec and Tristan (Directors, Relative Creative) , together with friend Sarah, have designed and developed a new adventure tourism offering: Heart & Lava, a series of outdoor adventures and retreats for adults. As a team we undertook conceptualisation, market research, location selection and risk assessments to inform a detailed business plan.  To fully bring the idea to life it was necessary to create a unique brand identity, design the different adventures and retreats and design the website and related collateral.

Opportunity for Futures

There are many opportunities for futures afforded by Heart & Lava. Outdoor adventures and retreats provide an opportunity to educate participants about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability, to promote and practice responsible outdoor behaviour that minimises environmental impact and support local communities and businesses. There is also opportunity to support people who might not have had outdoors or adventure experience to get outdoors safely. Heart & Lava is founded on the ethos of establishing health relationships with self and place to lead an active and adventurous life.

Our Approach

The design of the adventures and retreats was inspired by similar adventure and retreat offerings held in international locations such as the US, but not yet commonplace in Australia. This combined with our love of the outdoors and adventure sports lent itself to designing a multifaceted business allowing for different levels of experience, confidence in the outdoors and willingness to forgo luxury. The brand and identity needed to capture this essence and draws together a series of illustrations, colourful patterns and textures and inspiring photography and videography. We have applied this to a range of collateral pieces. Concurrently we have been designing the adventures and retreats. Let’s go into the unknown!

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